
Welcome to my little corner of the Internet!
My name is Heather Levin. I’m the founder of The Backyard Chickens Summit, my pioneering monthly membership program, Chicken Health Academy, and…of course…The Greenest Acre!
My family and I live on a 10-acre homestead in rural Tennessee, where we raise way too many chickens, keep bees, garden, and homeschool our two boys. We also love canning and preserving the food and fruits we grow each year.
So how’d I get into all this?
When I started my first flock of chickens, I had no idea what I was doing. I mean, NONE. I knew I wanted to raise a healthy flock as naturally as possible, because that’s how I raise my kids. And I wanted to use herbs with my chickens to treat illness and injury because that’s what I do with my family. But, I didn’t know HOW.
So, I dove in and just started experimenting, trying herbs and techniques to figure out what worked with my chickens and what didn’t. I made plenty of mistakes, and got some things right. I kept learning and trying new things. Over time I realized that the natural chicken care I was learning could help a lot of people. It could help a lot of chickens live better, healthier lives. So, Chicken Health Academy was born.
Natural backyard chicken keeping is just one part of our goal to be more self-reliant. And, we keep working towards that goal every day. We make progress, we fail, we get back up and keep going. That’s just homesteading, whether you’re on 10 acres in the country or a quarter acre in the ‘burbs.